by Dr Andrea Nazarenko

We are currently experiencing a critical juncture in history. Societies worldwide have traditionally relied on macro-level systems - including political and geopolitical structures - to provide order, protection, and the preservation of human rights. These control systems have remained relatively unchanged in recent history, creating a longstanding status quo that has been generally accepted by the masses.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light issues with this status quo in an unprecedented way. Now, in this post-pandemic era, we face a pivotal point in the trajectory of the world. As the United Nations advances toward implementation of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), we face a potential reality where individual and national sovereignty may be overshadowed by the self-interests of those in control.

Our future - and our children’s future - is at stake.

The problem lies in the sheer fact that the SDGs were operationalized by geopolitical, private, and private-public partnerships that do not represent the voice of the people. The people have become passive recipients of a world they did not help create.

Now, we - the citizens of the world - are faced with two options:

  • Accept the world created by the actualization of the SDGs by global elites who do not represent the voice of the people
  • Join together to take steps to create the world we want to leave for future generations.

Ultimately, the answer is in our hands. We hold the key to the future. But we must act deliberately and with intention. The time has come to evolve beyond antiquated methods that rely on luck. We can no longer afford to just toss out ideas and hope for the best.