the fair society

let's join together to create the world we want to see, for all our children

our new t-shirt range

for the brave and bold, show your support for peace, love and humanity

our new t-shirt range
8 posts

Envision a better tomorrow

Envision a better tomorrow

by Dr Andrea Nazarenko We are currently experiencing a critical juncture in history. Societies worldwide have traditionally relied on macro-level systems - including political and geopolitical structures - to provide order, protection, and the preservation of human rights. These control systems have remained relatively unchanged in recent history, creating a

Politics is the new drug...and we're the junkies

Politics is the new drug...and we're the junkies

THE MODERN ENQUIRER by Nick Holt At some point, politics stopped being about ideas and solutions and became a full-blown cult. Scroll through your social media feed, and you’ll find the true believers proselytizing like street-corner prophets. Their chaotic thoughts pour into the digital void, shaped into what they

Song for Rufus

Song for Rufus

"Mum writes a song for her special needs son to call for peace, freedom and love." "This is Rufus. Rufus has a syndrome that is so rare he is literally one in a hundred million. He can't speak for himself so, for his sake and

In search of upstanding role models

In search of upstanding role models

Not social media influencers, nor Hollywood stars, nor other entertainers created, manipulated and moulded to grab our short attention spans and push agendas that change our behaviour (I was shocked the first time I read that phrase, 'behaviour change', and remain so. It seems to be a legitimate

Our first fundraiser!

Our first fundraiser!

And we're off! Starting small and local, our very first fundraiser is an evening of silliness and suspense.... waiting for a chicken to do the deed! We have brought together one of our small business members with a beautiful small charity to create our first fundraiser. The organisation

Our charities

Our charities

We are partnering with small and medium sized charities that align with our values. Details of our charity partners coming soon. We are selecting some amazing small charities to support and work with and will tell you about them very soon. They share our ethos and make a real, tangible

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